2023 Policy Goals

Louisiana Kids Matter recognizes that all students need a great deal of support to recover from the learning losses of the Covid-19 pandemic. That is why, in our first legislative session, our three policy goals seek to speed this recovery and ensure that students and families are empowered with multiple school choice options.

High Dosage Tutoring 

  • Expand high dosage tutoring in literacy and math for K-12 students to decrease learning loss and close the persistent learning gaps that have existed for far too long in Louisiana. 

Background: Research has proven that effective high dosage tutoring and literacy programs rapidly close student learning gaps. High quality interventions should be available to all students, but especially in this time of academic recovery. Louisiana should prioritize funding for these programs, focus access on students with the greatest needs, and train teachers to properly administer the programs throughout the school day.

Empowering Parents 

  • Improve the Louisiana Tuition Donation Tax Credit Program so the credit is earned when the donation is made
  • Protect Louisiana’s school choice options

Background: Everyone knows that a one size fits all educational approach doesn’t work for all children, but too often we insist on assigning a student to a school based solely on their zip code. In 2012, Louisiana expanded school choice options to students and families across the state. School choice options are common sense, but unfortunately politicians and bureaucrats do not always focus on empowering parents and helping every individual child succeed. That is why Louisiana must continue to improve and expand its school choice options.

Do you care about these priorities too? We would love your help as we fight on behalf of Louisiana kids in the legislature.

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