Louisiana Kids Matter Candidate Questionnaire

Congratulations on filing to be a candidate in the upcoming 2023 elections. Thank you for your willingness to serve your community and state. By engaging in this process, you have taken the first step in demonstrating your commitment to children in Louisiana and your potential as a leader in education.


Below is the 2023 Louisiana Kids Matter Action Fund Candidate Questionnaire. Louisiana Kids Matter Action Fund is a political organization that works to elect and support leaders who will champion the bold education policies Louisiana’s students urgently need. Our goal is to ensure every child in Louisiana has access to a world-class education. This organization will support Louisiana candidates aligned with this mission by directly communicating on their behalf with Louisiana voters.


These questions were created to understand your values and how you align with the organization’s mission and policy priorities. Completing this survey is a requirement to be considered for an endorsement.

Candidate Questionnaire

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Louisiana Schools

3. Research has shown that access to high-dosage tutoring is one of the most significant interventions for students needing academic support.

School Choice
Private School Choice
Public School Choice


9. Charter schools are tuition-free, public schools that are managed outside of the usual school district bureaucracy. They generally have more flexibility with hiring, curriculum and teaching methods, but are held strictly accountable for student achievement. In the 2022-23 school year, there were 144 charter schools in Louisiana serving around 90,000 students.

10. Corporate charter schools create a bridge that connects the business community and students. In order to be considered a corporate charter, a business must make a meaningful commitment of support to the school. You can read more here. Do you support expanding the number of corporate charter schools in the state?

Constitutional Convention


13. Our present state constitution is too detailed and prescriptive, an outlier compared to other nearby states. It restricts the ability of elected officials to properly maintain an effective budget and governing structure and has helped to create a culture that places far too much dependence on the hallways of the State Capitol for prosperity. Our current state constitution is two and a half times longer than in 1973 and ten times longer than the U.S. Constitution. It has been amended 189 times in 44 years versus the U.S. Constitution which has only been changed 27 times in 218 years. Based on the above information, would you support a limited constitutional convention?

If you have any questions about this survey, please do not hesitate to contact Kelli Bottger at (225) 936-9800 or through email at kelli.bottger@lakidsmatter.org.